Oculus Rift LAunch Campaign
To experience the wizardry of The Rift vicariously, we need to witness the pure awe on our hero gamers’ faces. While Cyclops and The Dread Pirate Roberts did just fine, we needed to get creative around emoting with most of the users’ faces covered. Reality reconstructs around them right as their PCs power up. Their respective VR game worlds–Edge of Nowhere, The Climb and Lucky’s Tale– blur wondrously with their surroundings to both mimic the immersive sensation and allow for interaction inside and out of The Rift.
Oculus Rift Launch Campaign
We pulled elements from each game into the real world settings of our VR first-timers. Every shot was tracked, with match moved furniture providing the foundation for our CG elements to flourish. From stone pushing out of dry-wall, to grass growing in between the cracks of a keyboard, we R&Ded the hell out of this to find the best moments for bringing the anticipatory gameworld to life.
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